September 15, 2010

The Story is in the leather...

... Still looking for some cow carcass to keep my skin intact, but until I stop putting moolah into my cantankerous Honda 4, i'll keep this perusing in the file marked, "Research" ...

Ever since receiving some second hand racing skins, I've been heavily interested in their manufacturer...

Lewis Leathers opened up shop in old London Town in 1892 as D Lewis Ltd, specializing in general tailoring. Not long after the doors opened, a small niche for creating and altering protective garments for men participating in adventure sports was made apparent. That being flying and motoring type activities I take it and of course it all grew from there...

In 1956 they targeted the youth market directly with the traditional double breasted 'Bronx' jacket, and a certain section of motorcycling society found a uniform...

... Now today, in Sydney at least to pick one of these up new costs around $1500, which is a tad pricey. What I find amusing though is when you send your exact measurements to the shop in London, they'll send a tailor fitted jacket for $1000 AUD. Hrmmm...

In 1970 color made its debut on mens motorcycling jackets with Lewis Leathers. Polarizes people I've found, but i think they look swish...

I have my measuring tape and size chart ready...

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